Graduate and Professional Training Course

Register today for the new Adaptive Management for Conservation Projects course

April 21 – 24, 2014 – Apply by April 1st for discounted tuition

Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, USA.

For more information and to register, visit the Duke Environmental Leadership Program’s website.

The purpose of this course is to equip conservation professionals and graduate students with the skills necessary for effective adaptive management in the conservation sector.  The course is based on the CMP Open Standards.  While this framework for planning, implementing, monitoring, learning from and adapting conservation projects is taught to many practicing conservationists, adaptive management training is rarely incorporated into academic conservation programs.  Practitioners and current graduate students in conservation-focused programs should both begin learning the practical and applied processes (i.e. adaptive management) and skills (e.g. viability assessment, threat rating, identification of root causes of threats to biodiversity, etc.) that are essential for achieving conservation results.