Draft Synthesis of an Approach for Doing Effective M&E from the Fields of Conservation, Development, Public Health & Population, Education, & Business

This document synthesizes project effectiveness monitoring and evaluation principles and recommendations from the fields of conservation, development, health and population, education, and business. These principles were an important document in the development of the Conservation Measures Partnership's Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation.
This document is one component of a draft synthesized framework for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) based on a review of principles and recommendations from the fields of conservation, development, health and population, education, and business. It focuses on programmatic or process improvement M&E for which the impacts of specific interventions are gauged and used to enhance management. Foundations of Success undertook this project in an effort to learn from other fields. Monitoring and evaluation has been widely used in other disciplines and we believed there were many lessons-learned to be harvested.

Full Citation:

Foundations of Success. 2002. Draft Synthesis of an Approach for Doing Effective M&E from the Fields of Conservation, Development, Public Health and Population, Education, and Business: Preliminary results of the Measuring Conservation Impact Initiative. 02 November. Foundations of Success: Bethesda, MD, USA.

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